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Our Motto

"For the Soldier!"

"For the Soldier!" became the first official motto of Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) established by the headquarters' first commander, U.S Army Lieutenant General Frederick "Ben" Hodges. A main emphasis of the commander’s  was for every leader in LANDCOM to be imbued with the ethos that all plans, initiatives, key decisions, and actions developed by this headquarters were ultimately for the accomplishment of the mission by the most basic element of any Army unit: The Soldier. A Soldier is therefore the lynchpin for the successful execution of any given mission. That is why LANDCOM strives to train and exercise NATO land forces with realism and rigor in order to condition Soldiers in peacetime with the proper habits, policies, and procedures so they will know what to do and when without the benefit of direct leadership. "For the Soldier!" serves as a reminder to the countries that enjoy the protection of the Alliance’s collective defence and collaboration that it is essential to train, equip, and prepare Soldiers to conduct the missions they are called upon to do.

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HQ Allied Land Command
General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir

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General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir