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Home  /  Media Center  /  News  /  2020  /  WARGAMING - G9 Executes a TABLE TOP EXERCISE

Jan 23 2020


NATO Allied Land Command G9, the division responsible for Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) and Military Cooperation with Partner nations, executed a Table Top Exercise (TTE) last week to simulate CIMIC from the Land Domain perspective during a fictitious Article V scenario. With elements from across the Headquarters (S3, S2, Counter IED, FIRES), the TTE focused on synchronizing CIMIC activities conveying the civilian situation, mitigating civilian risk to mission, and recommending mission opportunities in support the Commander’s priorities.

The exercise was conducted as part of a comprehensive preparation for Loyal Bonus (LOBO) 20-1, the headquarters’ upcoming battle staff training. G9’s deliberate training plan, leveraging lessons learned from a previous iteration of LOBO (19-2) in support the commander’s lines of effort. The training consisted of four phases, from understanding the G9’s inputs into the Land Component Command, to evaluating G9’s contributions. During Phase II, the Table Top Exercise (TTE) addressed CMIC activities in an Article 5 area conveying the civilian situation, mitigating civilian risk to mission, and recommending mission opportunities in support of command priorities.

-Story by LANDCOM G9

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General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir

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