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Building Integrity In Operations Seminar

IZMIR, Turkey - HQ LANDCOM, in close coordination with NATO HQ and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), hosted the 3rd Building Integrity in Operations Seminar from 27 Feb-02 March 2018 in Izmir, Turkey. 

Building Integrity is a NATO-led capacity building program aimed at enhancing good governance in the defense and related security section. Building Integrity, part of NATO's commitment to defense institution building and projecting stability, provides practical tools to strengthen transparency, accountability and integrity and to reduce the risk of corruption. 

Complementary to the NATO Building Integrity policy, which was endorsed during the NATO Summit in Warsaw in 2016, Allied Command Operations has developed a Building Integrity Action Plan. The plan includes enhancing institutional and individual capacity, it contributes to the fulfillment of NATO's 3 core tasks, and creates partnerships with expert organizations to seek advice and enhance training.

The objective of the seminar was to share knowledge and to further discuss how integrity building can be implemented and incooperated in NATO operations. The 3-day seminar included lectures by experts, syndicate work and a panel discussion.

Over 40 participants, instructors and guest speakers came from organizations such as US Forces in Afghanistan, NATO HQ, NATO Command Structure, NATOs Communication and Information Agency (NCIA), SHAPE, HQ Kosovo Force (HQ KFOR), Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC), Transparency International, United Kingdom (TI-UK) and the Siracusa International Institute.

Participants discussing capacity building at the 3rd Building Integrity in Operations Seminar in Izmir,  Turkey. 

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HQ Allied Land Command
General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir

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General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir