Lille - France. LANDCOM Commander, General Williams, attended the Change of Command Ceremony at Rapid Reaction Corps France (RRC-Fr) Headquarters on 30 August 2016.
Today took place the ceremony of change of command of RRC-Fr. It was presided by LTG Saint Claire Deville, commanding the French Land Forces.
LTG Eric Margail passed up the torch after three years at the head of the Headquarters (HQ). LTG Thierry Corbet became the sixth commander. Hundreds of civilian and military guests, French and allied, were present.
"It is almost a return to basics because when RRC-Fr was created 11 years ago, I was a member of the team which participated in its set-up. I was present at the ceremony of creation of the HQ, thus to find myself here 11 years later, it is necessarily a mixture of pride and excitement", LTG Thierry Corbet said.
"I was very happy during these last three years because here, in RRC-Fr, we worked in a very rich human community, made up of 14 Nations, and we have an operational activity. We prepare in order to deploy in case of a crisis. We made it in a very dense way these last three years ", LTG Eric Margail said.
"I wish my successor to be as happy as I was in this command", LTG Eric Margail said.
"After eleven years of existence, RRC-Fr is now a completely mature headquarters which answers perfectly the ambitions of France as well as NATO's standards", LTG Saint Claire Deville said on behalf of general Jean-Pierre Bosser, Army chief of staff.
Text provided by RRC-Fr PIO