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NCO Intermediate Leadership Course

The NCO Intermediate Leadership Course in a Multinational Environment took place in Lucerne, Switzerland from 29th June – 10th July 2015. There were 28 participants from 17 different nations including Mediterranean Dialogue (Jordan), Partners across the Globe (New Zealand) and NATO member countries. Also 2 participants, OR-7 Yurin SARTORE (ITA A) and OR-8 Yasin CANLIER (TUR A) represented Allied Land Command. These NCOs were not only Army but also Air Force and Navy members, so the diversity between different countries, different cultures and different force members created a beautiful mosaic. The 4 instructor NCOs (2 Swiss, Canadian and Estonian) and the course commandant CSM Michael GIROUD put enormous effort into the course.
The NCO Intermediate Leadership Course is fully accredited by NATO. The course was usually in the class environment but there was a day of field exercise for each week. Usually the course studies were interactive and there were role-plays for some occasions. The key takeaways from the course were; DISC(Dominance – Influence – Steadiness - Conscientiousness) model for personal profile, Situational Leadership, Effective Communication as a Leader, Group Development, Counselling & Conflict Management, Ethical Behavior, NATO Orientation, and NATO`s NCO Development Program.

During the course there were several VIP visitors. Civilian specialists, who paid a visit for the "Communication & Counselling” sessions, observed our behaviors during the role-plays. Also LTC COMBS, Commander of AFSOUTH Battalion and CSM FULLER, CSM of AFSOUTH Battalion presented "Officer-NCO Relations”.  Command Sergeant Major Davor Petek, Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL) for ACO, Command Sergeant Major Manfred Jerabek, CSEL of the JFC-Naples, Belgium CHOD CSEL and Swiss CHOD CSEL were briefed by four of the course participants and the visitors had observations during the last two days. Also Brigadier General Niederberger, Armed Forces Professional NCO School Commander attended both to the Ice-breaker activity and to the Diploma Ceremony which was held in the historical Town Hall in Lucerne city together with the VIP visitors.

Note:The Swiss Armed Forces Professional NCO School (BUSA) is the central training institute for the Swiss NCO Corps. As a contribution to the Partnership for Peace Program, the Swiss Armed Forces sponsors the Intermediate and Advanced Leadership Courses that are accredited by the NATO School Oberammergau. The school covers all costs less travel and per diem. The course is loaded through national points of contact; however LandCom gets seats on an "as available” basis.


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