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Cdr, NRDC-Spain Visits LANDCOM Headquarters

IZMIR - NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Spain (NRDC-ESP) Commander, Lieutenant General (LT Gen) Rafael Comas Abad, and NRDC-ESP Chief of Staff (COS), Major General (MG) Juan Montenegro Alvarez, paid a visit to LANDCOM headquarters Nov. 27. LT Gen Comas was greeted by LANDCOM’s Commander, LT Gen John W. Nicholson, LANDCOM Deputy Commander, LT Gen Ed Davis, LANDCOM COS, MG Salih Sevil, and the Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL), Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Daniel T. Moyer.

The NRDC-ESP leaders participated in office calls with their LANDCOM counterparts prior to attending LANDCOM’s weekly Commander’s Shared Visualization, or CSV.

 During the CSV, select LANDCOM staff members update the Commanders about major operational events, intelligence  and Graduated Readiness Forces Land (GRFL) activities from the week.

NRDC-ESP will be the NATO Response Force (NRF) for the calendar year 2016. The NATO Response Force (NRF) is a highly ready and technologically advanced multinational force made up of land, air, maritime and special operations forces (SOF) that the Alliance can deploy quickly, wherever needed. In addition to its operational role, the NRF can be used for greater cooperation in education and training, increased exercises and better use of technology. NRDC-ESP attained its qualification for the NRF mission in September during an two-week long corps readiness evaluation exercise in Valencia, Spain.

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HQ Allied Land Command
General Vecihi Akin Garrison
35380 Izmir

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35380 Izmir